Free Printable Addition Charts (0-12)

Free printable addition charts (0-12)

Addition charts are simple tools for helping students master their addition facts. These colorful full-page charts are perfect for hanging on your wall or adding to student binders.

Now, I know that some people feel very strongly that kids shouldn’t use any addition aids while they are working to memorize their facts.

I have to say I disagree.

Each of our kids is an individual, and each one learns differently. Sometimes more flash cards, more worksheets, more time, or more discipline is NOT the answer.

A math-challenged student really CAN gain skills and build confidence with some practical math accommodations like these printable addition charts.

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Free Printable Addition Charts (0-12)

Green addition chart
Orange addition chart
Blue addition chart

Looking for standard 0-9 addition charts? Check out these free printable addition charts for 0-9!

More Tools for Mastering Addition Facts

Write and Wipe Fact Family Boards

Write and Wipe Fact Family Boards are an effective way to practice math facts while also reinforcing the relationship between addition and subtraction. Use a dry-erase marker to write in the fact families you want your child to practice; wipe clean to reuse again and again.

Addition Wrap-Ups

Addition Wrap-Ups are an excellent alternative to flashcard drills. Not only are the Wrap-Ups more fun, but they are also self-correcting, making them easy for kids to use independently.

Hot Dots Addition Flash Cards

Hot Dots Addition Flash Cards combine the effectiveness of flash cards with the convenience of independent learning. Kids can practice the addition facts from 0-9 and get immediate feedback from the Hot Dots Talking Pen.

More Free Math Printables

Have a great idea for a math printable?

Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to consider your requests!

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One Comment

  1. Thank you so much. I homeschool my son and I been looking for a 100 chart for him and this is perfect and he loves it and of course, he picks the (blue) because as he said “look they got my favorite color” hahaha