Homeschool Hymn Study Resources Your Kids Will Love

These hymn study resources will help your children develop a love for the great hymns of our faith.

Hymn sheet music on piano keyboard

Some of my earliest memories are of the “old-fashioned” hymns sung in our little country church during my childhood. I vividly recall my dad’s enthusiastic singing. He sang with all his heart, his face glowing. Even as a little girl, I knew my dad loved the old hymns.

My siblings and I were also expected to participate in the singing. Many a time my mom looked down the pew at us four kids, sternly mouthing the word, “Sing!”

I’m sure it’s not a coincidence that I know dozens of hymns by heart today. My parents blessed me with a “goodly heritage” (Psalm 16:6), and I want to pass that heritage on to my children, as well.

A love for the old hymns doesn’t just happen. It is instilled and nurtured from a very young age. This list of hymn study resources will help your children develop a love for the great hymns of our faith.

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Hymn Study Resources: Books

Hymns for a Kid’s Heart Series

This series by Joni Eareckson Tada and Bobbie Wolgemuth is perfect for studying hymns with younger children. Each book covers 12 hymns (great for studying one hymn per month for a full year!) and includes an audio CD.

For each hymn, the book includes a story about the hymn’s author and background, a devotional, lyrics and music for the hymn, and a Bible verse and prayer.

Books in the Hymns for a Kid’s Heart series:

Cover of hymn study book for kids

Mr. Pipes Series

Each book in this series presents the fictional account of two American teens who travel with an elderly English organist known as Mr. Pipes. The three travelers have plenty of adventures and also learn about a number of hymns from a specific region or period of time.  Great read-alouds!

Books in the Mr. Pipes series:

Cover of hymn study book for kids

Then Sings My Soul Series

This series of books by Robert J. Morgan would be an excellent resource for older elementary level and up. The books include devotional-style stories, music, and lyrics for each hymn.

Books in the Then Sings My Soul series:

Cover of hymn study book Then Sings My Soul

Biographies of Hymn Writers

These biographies of well-known hymn writers are designed especially for younger readers. Although they are suggested for ages 8 and up, even younger children would be able to understand and enjoy hearing them read aloud.


Cover of book about hymn author Fanny CrosbyHymn Study Resources: Audio & Video

Audio Recordings

Cover of Adventures in Odyssey album


Two of these documentaries are currently included in Amazon Prime membership. If you aren’t an Amazon Prime member, you can get a FREE 30-day trial!

Hymn Study Resources: Printables

Here are several printable resources that will help your family learn more about hymns:

Picture of Timeless Hymns for All Ages ebook

Studying hymns with your children will take some time and effort. But I can promise you that it will pay lifelong dividends. Let’s pass this heritage on to our children!

teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” (Colossians 3:16)

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