How to Make the Bible More Meaningful in Your Homeschool

Making the bible more meaningful is a huge focus for me and other Christian homeschoolers. We don’t want just textbooks and rote memorization. We can all agree that we want real learning that’s built around cultivating relationships while learning with our kids. When it comes to incorporating the Bible, this couldn’t be more true. Keep reading for ways to do just that!

Two girls reading the bible in their homeschool.

How to Make the Bible More Meaningful in Your Homeschool

First and foremost, making the Bible more meaningful involves being intentional with including it as a part of your homeschooling schedule and routine. Picking it up every so often will make it look less important and not as engaging. If you haven’t done so already, factor in Bible time just like you would any other subject. Here are some other ideas to consider as well.

Start your days with the Bible.

As tempting as it may be to schedule it later in the day, put the Bible first. This will help you be consistent and show your kids what’s most important. Be open and communicate to your children that you’re starting your days off with God’s word because it is most important and something you want to do together. Adding Bible time to your morning time structure can help set the overall tone for the day.

Consider the age and development levels of your children.

Before choosing any curriculum or resources to use during Bible time, consider the ages and grade levels of your children. You’ll want to make sure that whatever you choose to use is age-appropriate, engaging, and provides plenty of opportunities for practical application. Also consider how new (or old) your child’s Christian walk is. If they aren’t well-versed in the Bible or have not been a follower of Christ for very long, you don’t want to overwhelm them.

Choose resources that foster a relationship with Jesus.

There are many curriculum and resources available on the market today but the most important thing to keep in mind is if they’ll keep your child focused on building their relationship with the Lord. This is typically the ultimate goal of focusing on scripture, the principals, and applying them to life. We want our children to see Christian faith as something real and tangible. Resources can help do this, but we must also walk it out ourselves.

An open Bible to make it more meaningful in your homeschool.

Make it engaging.

Sitting and listening to a daily devotional is one way to teach your children about God’s word, but to make the Bible for meaningful in your homeschool, consider making it engaging. Use a variety of stories, videos, documentaries, and hands-on activities to make the connection between what they read and what it looks like in reality. If you have older children, use engaging story prompts and branch off into deep discussions. Simply put, choose what works best for you and your family.

Stay consistent.

Above all else, stay consistent. It’s okay to miss a day or so here and there, but ultimately you’ll want to create a routine where incorporating the Bible becomes second-nature. It shouldn’t (continue to) seem like a mundane task or some other subject that has to be marked off the list. Making it engaging and interesting will help your children see the importance of doing it all while fostering the desire to want to do read the word beyond the family time.

Final Thoughts

Making the Bible more meaningful in your homeschool doesn’t have to be a stressful or overwhelming process. Instead, see it as a blessing to be able to read the word and share it with your children. Focus on the ability to grow closer to God and to one another by connecting over His word. Use the suggestions above to begin making the bible meaningful in your homeschool.

Making the Bible more meaningful in your homeschool.

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