Charlotte Mason-Style Homeschool Enrichment Program
Looking for a way to connect with your kids through homeschool enrichment activities? Check out the Enriched at Home subscription service!
I don’t know about you, but I struggle to fit in all the homeschool “extras” that I would like.
We are very consistent with the core subjects such as math, English, history, science, and Bible. But unfortunately, other valuable learning opportunities tend to get pushed to the side.
I’ve found that I need an actionable plan if I am going to fit in that additional learning time.
That’s why I was so interested in trying out the homeschool enrichment program from Enriched at Home.
I received this product for free and was compensated for my time. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I was not required to post a positive review. This post also contains affiliate links. If you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase, we will receive a small commission. See our Disclosure Policy for more information.
About Enriched at Home
Enriched at Home is a digital subscription service that provides themed enrichment activities for families to use with their kids (grades K-6).
The activities included in each month’s kit will help you slow down and build meaningful connections with your kids. (I think we can all use help with that in today’s fast-paced world.)
Each month subscribers download a beautiful full-color printable kit with a variety of activities that are focused on character development, nature, and nutrition.
Character Development
The S.E.L.F. (Social and Emotional Learning for Families) module is a new character development module that just launched in January. Each month focuses on one positive character trait that families can work together to develop.
Nature Study
The nature study module focuses on nature exploration and observation using a Charlotte Mason-style approach. It features a variety of easy, open-and-go activities, including nature journaling.
Nutrition Education
The nutrition module uses a kid-friendly approach to teaching basic nutrition facts. It also includes two healthy recipes that kids can help make.
How We Used This Program for Homeschool Enrichment
My 6-year-old daughter really enjoyed the Enriched at Home program! She loved the “extras” that we were able to do together.
She was thrilled to find that the nature study topic for January was birds, a topic she has been interested in for a long time. She was doubly happy when she learned that her beloved pet chickens are actually . . . BIRDS!
The highlight of the nature study module was making a homemade bird feeder using a bagel, peanut butter, and bird seed. Kiera loved this project and could hardly wait for big brother to hang it outside.
The Enriched at Home character development module for January focused on initiative. If you ask Kiera what initiative is, she will tell you that it is doing something that isn’t your job. That’s a pretty good understanding of the concept for a 6-year-old, right?
She really took the idea of developing initiative to heart, too. Multiple times she came to me and said excitedly, “I just did an initiative!”
The things she considered as “doing an initiative” were things like folding clothes that she found on her bed or picking up things others had left lying around. Again, her words may not be quite right, but her understanding is spot on.
Kiera enjoyed the character building module far more than I ever thought she would. And I’m so pleased at how well she is implementing what she has learned!