Video-Based Spanish Homeschool Curriculum

Did you know that your child can learn Spanish even if you don’t know Spanish at all? This video-based Spanish homeschool curriculum is all you need!

Image of middle school girl doing a worksheet with a laptop in the background showing a homeschool Spanish lesson.

Many years ago, when I was in ninth or tenth grade, I took a high school Spanish class. I have to admit that I didn’t excel with the language, and now after all these years, I barely remember anything.

So when I found that there was a way for my daughter to learn Spanish without me having to teach it, I was definitely interested!

We’ve found Mas Spanish to be an effective way to learn the language from a fluent speaker. Oh, and it’s fun, too!

Image of girl working on laptop.

I received this product for free and was compensated for my time. All thoughts and opinions are my own; I was not required to post a positive review.

Learning Spanish 1 with Mas Spanish

My 13-year-old daughter is learning Spanish 1 with Mas Spanish, an online video-based homeschool curriculum. I’m really excited by how much she has learned in just a few short weeks!

Lessons are presented in video format, with the informational slides available to download and print for reference later. We print the slides with four on each page, and my daughter cuts them out to make handy review cards.

Throughout each lesson, new Spanish words are introduced and practiced. Kendra especially likes the way the teacher speaks slowly and clearly when introducing new words.

After the video lesson, students complete a printable worksheet. Each worksheet also has a review video where the instructor explains the answers.

I love that the Spanish 1 course is so easy to use! My daughter is able to watch the instructional videos, practice new words, and even correct the worksheets completely on her own.

Try a FREE sample of Mas Spanish!

Image of teen girl writing on a Spanish worksheet while watching a homeschool Spanish lesson on a laptop.

Why We Love Mas Spanish Homeschool Curriculum

Minimal Parental Involvement

I love that I don’t have to teach my daughter Spanish! Instead, I can hand the job over to a fluent Spanish speaker who can teach so much more effectively than I ever could.

Parents literally do NOT need to know a single word of Spanish in order for their kids to succeed with Mas Spanish. Big win!

Convenient Video-Based Lessons

With Mas Spanish, there are no cumbersome textbooks or answer keys to carry around. Instead, students can watch the video lessons anywhere they have an internet connection. Perfect for busy homeschool families!

Image of girl watching a Spanish homeschool curriculum video.

Economical Learning Option

Mas Spanish is an extremely affordable option for learning Spanish at home. It costs far less than taking a class or hiring a tutor.

Currently, it only costs $135 per student for 2-year access to the full Spanish 1 homeschool curriculum. I don’t know of any other foreign language course that is available at such an affordable price.

Even better, from now until April 30, 2024, you can save 25% when you use the code Spring25!

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