Free Printable Timeline Notebook Pages

A timeline is an excellent tool to help children visualize history. Somehow it seems to help all those people and events come together into one continuous story. In addition, it provides an ideal way to review and cement what has been studied.

While younger children may prefer a large wall timeline, many older students tend to prefer timeline notebooks. And if you’re already using notebooking as a learning tool in your homeschool, a timeline notebook may be a great fit for your family.

We used these timeline notebook pages with Mystery of History (Vol. I), but they will work equally well with ANY history textbook or study method.

The newly updated download contains 107 printable timeline pages with dates from 5000 BC through AD 2039.

Date Increments for Timeline Notebook Pages

The number of years included on each timeline page varies according to the estimated number of historic events from each time period.

  • 5000 BC – 3000 BC: 1000 years per page
  • 3000 BC – 1000 BC: 500 years per page
  • 1000 BC – AD 1000: 100 years per page
  • AD 1000 – AD 1600: 50 years per page
  • AD 1600 – AD 1800: 10 years per page
  • AD 1800 – AD 2024: 5 years per page

Download Lined Timeline Notebook Pages

Download Unlined Timeline Notebook Pages

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  1. SaraCastle says:

    I have three kiddos and just getting started with homeschooling. They are 5,7 & 9. Would you consider creating one of these for each of the kids or just completing one together as a family?

    1. Judy Hoch says:

      Hi, Sara! If your kids are going to be studying history together, I’d probably just make one timeline notebook to use as a family. If they are each doing history individually, it might work better for each of them to have their own. There is no right or wrong, though, so definitely do whatever works best for your family! πŸ™‚

  2. Lizandra Damiani says:

    Hi I am Lizandra from Brasil Im helping mothers to build their timeline can I share your link with your blogs name. I have your timeline from five years ago… and I was sending with that name. (Contendathome) But now I found hear your new link.

  3. Hi,
    I would like to use these , am I would like to be able to print them double sided.
    What do I do, so they don’t print upside down on the back?

    1. Judy Hoch says:

      Hi Lora,

      You’ll probably need to change your printer settings, but unfortunately I don’t know the specifics for your printer. You could also print one page at a time and flip the paper to print on the second side, but that might take quite a bit of time. :/

  4. Nicole Jackson says:

    Hey there!
    I would like to have the lined notebook pages download please.
    Thank you!

  5. Diana persina says:

    thank you for this idea.

  6. Myriam J. says:

    This will help so much as I begin 7th grade Homeschooling. Thank you!

  7. Jennifer Rader says:

    I have been looking for timeline pages to use with my students, and these are great! Thank you so much for sharing them!

  8. Thank you so much for these notebooking pages.

  9. Shannon Martinez says:

    Can I please have the link to print the timelines? Thank you!

    1. Judy Hoch says:

      Hi Shannon,

      The links to download the timelines are near the bottom of the post. Let me know if you can’t fine them!
