3rd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices
Although I enjoy the challenge of homeschooling high school with my two teen boys, I am so looking forward to third grade with Weston this year!
Weston is very self-motivated and prefers to work independently whenever possible. However, I still feel it is important for me to be involved in his learning at this stage.
We try to strike a good balance— I teach math and language arts directly, while Weston does the other subjects on his own. So far, it’s working well for us.
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3rd Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices
Weston will be finishing Saxon Math 2 during the first part of this year. After that, he will either be moving into Saxon Math 3 or switching to Math-U-See.
I’ve used both Saxon and Math-U-See at this level, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. For us, MUS has a lot of appeal because it can be used independently. However, Saxon’s incremental approach and daily math meeting are very beneficial at this grade level.
Language Arts
Grammar – This will be Weston’s first year of official grammar instruction. He will be using Easy Grammar 3. We have used Easy Grammar for years, and I absolutely love the prepositional approach used in this series!
Spelling – Weston will be using Building Spelling Skills, Book 2. I discovered these inexpensive books last year, and I’ve been very impressed with them. We use one level “behind,” since this series seems rather advanced.
Handwriting – Weston will be improving his cursive skills with Handwriting Skills Simplified, Book C. These super affordable workbooks provide quick and easy handwriting instruction and practice. No fuss or frills!
Vocabulary – I’ve never actually included vocabulary at this grade level, but I was so impressed with the content of the Vocabu-Lit series that I picked up Vocabu-lit C for Weston this year.
Reading – Weston started reading the Little House books last year, and I’m planning for him to finish it the series this year. He is also enjoying the Boxcar Children series on Kindle.
I’m super excited to be trying something new for geography this year! Weston will be tracing and labeling maps (from our Notebooking Pages membership) to learn the location of continents and countries around the world.
In addition, he will be completing free online map puzzles. Who says learning geography can’t be fun?
I also found a really neat book, Around the World in 80 Tales, that Weston will read as he learns about various countries. Organized by continent, the book contains short folk tales representing 80 different countries.
And that’s it. No tests, no drills. Just plain old kid-friendly learning!
If you’d like to hear more about our geography learning this year, leave me a comment so I can share more details in the next few weeks!
Science is one of the subjects that Weston enjoys doing independently. He will be using School of Tomorrow’s Science PACEs 1025-1036. (He LOVED his science PACEs last year!)
Weston will be using Bible Reading PACEs 1025-1036 for Bible this year. Each PACE walks the student through reading portions of Scripture taken directly from the Bible, followed by comprehension questions.
We’ve used Bible Reading PACEs for many years now, and I highly recommend them!
I can hardly wait to get started—I’m looking forward to a great homeschool year with lots of wonderful memories!
More Homeschool Curriculum Ideas:
Visit the 9th Annual Back to Homeschool Blog Hop for more curriculum ideas!
LOVE the sound of your geography approach — definitely want to hear more! 🙂