10th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices

10th Grade Homeschool Curriculum

I still remember quite vividly the nagging anxiety I had about homeschooling high school. I was afraid I wouldn’t do it well enough . . . that I would handicap my children for life.

Now that we have our fifth high school student, I’m relieved to no longer be struggling with those fears. Experience has been the best antidote to the anxiety of those earlier days.

This year our  son Collin is entering tenth grade. He still prefers “hands-off” learning and enjoys working independently.

In addition to homeschooling, Collin will be juggling several jobs. He provides lawn care and snow removal services for a neighbor, assists a local tree cutter with clean-up work, and works occasionally at a meat market in town.

Our goal for tenth grade is to maintain a flexible homeschooling schedule that suits his independent learning style and also leaves room for his work commitments.

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10th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices


Collin will be using Math-U-See Pre-Algebra this year. The tentative plan is to move on to algebra in his junior year, followed by a personal finance course during his senior year (unless his college or career plans dictate otherwise).


Call me a grammar nerd if you like, but I feel strongly about continuing grammar instruction in high school. This year we want to save plenty of time for writing, so Collin will be using the quick and easy worksheets from the Easy Grammar Ultimate series.

We’re taking the quick and easy approach to spelling, too. Apples Daily Spelling Drills, a new-to-us curriculum, looks like a simple way to hone spelling skills at the high school level.

Collin will be studying vocabulary using Vocabu-Lit I, a series I discovered last year. I love the way this curriculum uses well-known literature to present the vocabulary words in each lesson!

By keeping grammar, spelling, and vocabulary simple, I hope to have plenty of time to focus on writing. Collin will be working through the Student Writing Intensive from Institute for Excellence in Writing. Our main goal is to improve his writing structure and style at the paragraph level, preparing the way for essays and research papers in the future.

Homeschool curriculum for 10th grade


Collin will be studying U.S. history using School of Tomorrow’s Social Studies PACEs. Although PACEs aren’t extremely popular among homeschoolers, they are the perfect fit for Collin’s reading-based learning style.


Collin will be learning more about earth science using Science PACEs from School of Tomorrow. As with social studies, these convenient worktexts are exactly right for his learning style.


For Bible study, Collin will be using Journey Through the Bible (Book 2). I just discovered the Journey Through the Bible series last year, and I highly recommend it! Book 2 covers the wisdom and prophetic books of the Old Testament.


Collin will be using Health PACEs from School of Tomorrow. This course is worth a half credit and fulfills the state requirement for a health course at the high school level.


Both Collin and I are super excited that he is finally going to be starting guitar lessons! He has already learned some of the basics with help from our talented pastor’s wife. He will begin lessons as soon as summer activities wrap up.

Auto Upkeep

Last of all, Collin will be taking an Auto Upkeep course as a half-credit elective. This course presents real-life skills that every teenager should have, and I think he will really enjoy it.

What Comes Next?

After this year, Collin will only have 6 required credits remaining before he can graduate. He will probably complete all of those except English IV next year, leaving his senior year open for plenty of job experience and real-life learning.

We will also be looking for some great elective courses to round out his junior and senior years. I’d love to hear your suggestions!

Looking back, I’m so glad I pushed through those anxieties about homeschooling high school and can now enjoy these wonderful years with my son!

More Homeschool Curriculum Ideas for High School:

Visit the Homeschool Nook Link-Up and the 9th Annual Back to Homeschool Blog Hop for more homeschool ideas!

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